Monday, October 3, 2011

Training day

The CrossFit Total is a unique form of the maximal effort.  It gives you three attempts to reach your 1RM in three exercises: the back squat, the overhead press, and the deadlift.  In each of these exercises a little bit of deviation from perfect form is acceptable, so long as it is not detrimental to the execution of the lift.  This very slight breakdown in form is how you know you're making a maximal effort.  Every muscle fiber should be contracting to help finish the lift.  Get in here and move some weight!

CrossFit Total:
Back Squat 1 Rep Max
Overhead Press 1 Rep Max
Deadlift 1 Rep Max

8 minute AMRAP of
200m Run
8 Burpees
13 Kettlebell Swings (53/35).

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