Thursday, August 4, 2011

Welcome to the Blog

Some of you may know us for the stellar personal training service we offer.  Others may come for the intensity of the Crosstraining classes.  Still more may have only heard of us, and never experienced the best personal training in Georgia.

This is a window into the heart of the beast, the furnace where the fire burns brightest for fitness and health and transformation for the best.  Here you will find workouts, comaradarie, and insight to the method of our particular madness.  You will find friends and support in the close community that has been established on our floors.

Lives are changed in these halls, and yours might be one of them.  If you've gone with us down the path and are making the change into the best possible version of yourself, let us know.  Add your voices to the chorus and encourage the ones who are just now taking their first steps.

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